Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Laser Dentistry

operative-laser-dentistry1With the advent of minimally invasive dentistry, there has been a paradigm shift, moving away from metal restorations and toward adhesive dentistry and the conservation of tooth structure. Alternatives to the drill for tooth preparation have become big news. The dental laser has emerged as a powerful tool in this progression, helping dentists to prepare hard and soft tissue. At Ferrari Dental Clinics we use pure laser technology (Waterlase MD) to help us address such highspeed-handpiece-related issues as vibration- and heat induced microfractures, the removal of unnecessary tooth structure, and the inability to cut enamel and dentin without a smear layer.

watch video:

Hollywood smile Beirut Lebanon : Ferrari Dental Clinic (waterlase)


Composite filling laser technology by Ferrari Dental clinic Beirut Lebanon


Laser Dentistry Ferrari Dental Clinic Beirut Lebanon


Waterlase: Hydrokinetic Cutting Mechanisms:

operative-laser-dentistry- The Waterlase® system uses laser-energized water to cut teeth.

- The Waterlase® emits a laser beam that energizes a highly precise spray of air and water.

- Water droplets absorb the laser energy and become laser-energized water particles that, when directed at the tooth, rapidly remove enamel, dentin and decay/caries.

Benefits of laser dentistry:

Remove caries and old composite fillings: Using the water-cooled laser allows for efficient preparation of enamel and dentin when restoring teeth for operative reasons. (dental decay and/or faulty restorations). The laser will effectively remove old composite material from tooth structure. After penetration of the enamel layer, the intensity of the laser is lowered to remove dentin that is carious. operative-laser-dentistryThe Waterlase® removes decay very precisely which allows you to keep a healthy tooth structure and have healthier teeth longer.

No need for etching: The etched surface left by the laser requires no additional etching.

Sterile cavity: meaning there is no risk of any decay remaining underneath and causing problems in future. That can reduce the need for a future root canal in many cases. Dentin surface is rendered sterile and clean for use of dental adhesives.

Improved Cavity Fillings: Waterlase cavity preparations increase bond strength of tooth-colored restorations, for longer lasting fillings.


operative-laser-dentistryFewer Dental Visits: Since you may not need shots or anesthesia, your Waterlase Dentist will be able to perform cavity preparations in several areas of your mouth, rather than having you come back for multiple visits. In addition, your Waterlase Dentsit may be able to perform procedures for which you might have previously required referral to a specialist.


Waterlase vs. the standard drill:

Traditional dentistry requires the use of a rotary tool that has many useful attachments. Among these are cleaning brushes, drills, and sanding heads. All of them require rough physical contact that can leave you nauseous and stressed out. Most of them also require water and suction to help clear out the byproducts associated with each head.

No cracks, no removal of unnecessary tooth structure: The Waterlase® avoids many common problems of the high speed drill, including cracks in the teeth from the vibration and rapid turning of the drill burrs which can weaken your teeth, creating future problems.

No bacterial contamination: The Waterlase™ decontaminates as it cuts reducing the chance for bacterial contamination.

No smear layer: The high speed dental drill may cause a smear layer, a layer of dead organic material. The Waterlase® creates cuts with NO smear layer, providing a better surface for bonding, and allowing your filling to last longer.

No heat, pressure or noise: Waterlase dentistry can also, reduce the heat, pressure and noise of a drill so that many procedures can be performed without anesthesia. There is also less risk of cracks and damage which sometimes occur from a drill.

DIAGNODent: Diagnostic laser system

operative-laser-dentistryWere you ever really good at playing hide and seek? Well, cavities are good at hiding, too. In fact, they hide in places even X rays can't find. You may think these caries have the best hiding skills, but they're really no match for DIAGNOdent's cavity-detection power.

DIAGNOdent is a device dentists use to find even small amounts of dental decay at the earliest stages using laser technology. The dentist uses a laser to scan zones where decay is most likely to evade detection. When it detects any abnormality in the tooth, it fluoresces or emits a visible light and makes a beeping noise. The more decay, the more visible light and the faster the beeps. Numerical readings are also shown on the display of the DIAGNOdent.
This tool provides dentists with immediate feedback - an advantage for both you and the dentist. Early detection of caries will mean fewer fillings, faster appointments, and lower cost for dental treatments in the long run. Besides, wouldn't you want your cavity detected as early as possible, before it becomes a pain in the tooth?
DIAGNOdent is proven to be 90% accurate and allows dentists to avoid unnecessary exploration of teeth that are suspected to have cavities. And when it teams up with the X-ray, no cavity can hide. X-rays find cavities in between teeth and on the roots, while DIAGNOdent easily finds surface cavities.

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